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Thursday, June 3, 2010


Another entry for 

Medusa is an evil character from Greek mythology.
She is described in some ancient texts as originally a beautiful priestess in Athena's temple. Untill she enraged Athena, who transformed her beautiful hair into serpents and made her face so terrible that just looking at her would turn a human to stone.

My Medusa is still a beauty but she is bitter and angry. Because of the change, she can't live with humans anymore but must seek company with snakes.

I'll try to incorporate some male characters in future drawings! Otherwise it'll start to look like I can only draw women or girls... ;)


  1. Great work!!! She looks indeed beautiful!

    Wat ik echt goed vind is dat je het haar mooi laat overvloeien van slangen naar bruine lokken en omgekeerd. Niet teveel details in de slangen maar net genoeg met de gele ogen!

    Het lijkt wel of de grootste slang ook versteend is, mooie textuur! Dit past bij het hele verhaal!

  2. Love this - she does look bitter and full of regret. Adore the texture.

  3. Athena has a temper, doesn't she?
    Wonderful illustration! I like the way you used different values in the snake hair and that the snakes wrap around her like jewelry.
